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Showing posts from 2017
I just came across this testimony from Leonard A. Bennett given to the  Subcommittee on Financial Institutions And Consumer Credit back in 2003. I have pasted the entire statement for you below. But this excerpt just blows my mind. He is talking about the collusion between the CRA's and the "furnishers" of the information.  " In a May 21, 2003 deposition, Capital One’s representative confirmed this fact for her employer. 7 Q Okay. What kinds of information do your 8 ACDV operators have available to them through the 9 interface of the Odyssey system? 10 A Name, address, ECOA, pay history, cycle11 date, last date paid. Statements, action or activity 12 on the account, late fees, past-due fees, membership 13 fees, etc. 14 Q What about original application information? 15 A That, we cannot see in Unisys. 16 Q All right. Is there a reason why it is that 17 your ACDV operators do not have access to all of the 18 other systems that I mentioned, being Tandem...

The long slog

Damn this fighting to get your credit repaired is slow. Glacially slow. And frustrating. I got  fuck you response from Experian on Tuesday. It is the same fuck you response as the last two letters generated. So I upped the ante and reported them to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. I don't know why the call it that, the CFPB doesn't actually protect you from anything. In fact they are a toothless hound who can't actually prosecute or investigate your complaints. They just send them on to the CRA in question. But it is a step that needs to be taken before I take them to court. I really dread having to take them to court. Not because I am afraid I'll lose. I just hate public speaking. I get all nervous and dry mouthed and feel like I gotta pee a hundred gallons. Blecch! But if I do, I have found several precedents for my actions for example: Stevenson v TRW(Experian) In which Mr Stevenson sued Experian in Texas (where I dwell) for defamation because the...