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Credit Repair FCRA Section 609 instructions and letter for FREE!!!!!

I've finally decided to take on the credit reporting industry because they have pissed me off and all the silly ass nonsense rules they have about "scoring" your credit, and the bullshit commercials on TV.

What the fucking CRA's (credit reporting agencies) that run Credit Karma and Credit Sesame don't tell you is that the credit score you see on those sites, and even the credit score you see if you pay for it is totally worthless. And the same goes for the FICO score you get from MyFico. Because none of them will be the same as the score that your lender pulls up. And the score they pull up will be worse than the one you pull up.

Why? I'm just guessing here, but I figure it is so they can charge you higher interest rates.

A couple of weeks ago, I ran up my credit card to 70% of it's limit with a big item purchase and that dropped my credit score down 70 points on all three. And when I paid the balance off it raised 70 points on Experian and Transunion, but only 50 points on Equifax, even though I was only using 5% of my credit on all three.

So that's it, I'm calling bullshit and declaring war.

And I am about to piss off not only the CRA's but all the assholes out there charging $49.99  for their secret Section 609 Credit Repair Kit letters by publishing three "attorney approved" letters that are supposed to get accurate negative items removed from your credit report without disputing them.

See, the CRA's won't remove accurate negative items from your report no matter how much you dispute them. But if you request or demand that they provide you with proof that they have verified
that the account is yours, they can't. And the reason they can't is that they don't have a copy of the contract. And in section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, it says: "a statement that a consumer reporting agency is not required to remove accurate derogatory information from the file of a consumer, unless the information is outdated under section 605 or cannot be verified."

It's the "cannot be verified" loophole that the 609 letters seek to exploit.

For the record, I found these letters and instructions for free on the web. So I am not violating purchaser agreement or terms of use or anything. If you're one of the companies looking to sue someone sue the jackwagons who bought your package and then posted them.

Here is basically what you do.

  1. Copy and paste the letters to a word or google doc.
  2. Edit the letters adding your info and changing the name and addresses to the appropriate CRA.
  3. Handwrite the account information for each account you want deleted. USE a blue pen and don't try to be terribly neat. (The point is that when they get these letters they just scan the accounts into their system and a form letter is spit out telling you the account is verified. The handwritten in blue ink forces it to be read by a real person. This is important because the real person will get the demanding and vaguely don't fuck with me tones in the letter.)
  4. Make a copy of your driver's licence  or other photo ID and your SS card. This is important because you need to prove who you are and without them they won't pay any attention to your letter. BE SURE TO SEND COPIES WITH EVERY LETTER.
  5. Ignore any letters they may send you demanding more info, telling you the accounts are verified or stalling in other ways. Stick to the letters 1 then 2 then 3 and if necessary the notice of your about to sue their ass. BUT KEEP ALL CORRESPONDENCE FROM THEM. You need evidence if they do force you to sue. 
It is, according the theory behind this, highly unlikely they will make you send letter 4. This is because you are a small fish, and if you get an attorney and sue them the word may get out and their business model will be severely damaged. Especially if you go for a class action suit. So they are highly incentivized to avoid being sued. They are also highly incentivized to string you along and try and not delete the negatives, so you will have to be patient. Just follow the plan and play their little game. 

I am making no claims as to whether these letters will work. The theory seems sound though and the law is fairly clear on this subject. I am sharing these letters and the instructions above in the hopes we can start a movement and get enough people fighting back to bring attention to the fact that the CRA's are ignoring the law, and are ignoring our consumer rights. 

If it doesn't work, then at least you didn't spend fifty bucks on it and you can have the satisfaction that you were a pain in the ass to those SOB's! 

Here is letter 1

Current Date
Your Name
City, State, Zip Code
SSN: ###-###-###
DL #: ###########
D.O.B.: ##/##/####

City, State, Zip Code

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Section 609 (a)(1)(A), you are required by federal law to verify -through the physical verification of the original signed consumer contract -any and all accounts you post on a credit report. Otherwise, anyone paying for your reporting services could fax, mail or email in a fraudulent account.
I demand to see Verifiable Proof (an original Consumer Contract with my Signature on it) you have on file of the accounts listed below. Your failure to positively verify these accounts has hurt my ability to obtain credit. Under the FCRA, unverified accounts must be removed and if you are unable to provide me a copy of verifiable proof, you must remove the accounts listed below.

I demand the following accounts be verified or removed immediately.

Name of Account 
Account Number          
Provide Physical Verification Creditor  

Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter.


Your Name

Letter # 2

Current Date
Your Name
City, State, Zip Code
SSN: ###-###-###
DL #: ###########
D.O.B.: ##/##/####
City, State, Zip Code

Please be advised this is my SECOND WRITTEN REQUEST. The unverified items listed below remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You are required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original creditor’s documentation on file to verify that this information is mine and is correct. In the results of your first investigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these items are being  “reported correctly”?
      Who verified these accounts?
You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original documentation required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A) ( a consumer contract with my signature on it ) and under Section 611 (5)(A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly DELETE all information which cannot be verified.” The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available to me for “negligent noncompliance” (Section 617) if you fail to comply. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA

I demand the following accounts be verified or removed immediately.

Name of Account 
Account Number          
Provide Physical Verification Creditor  

Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter.


Your Name

Letter 3

Current Date
Your Name
City, State, Zip Code
SSN: ###-###-###
DL #: ###########
D.O.B.: ##/##/####
City, State, Zip Code
Please be advised this is my THIRD WRITTEN REQUEST and FINAL WARNING that I fully intend to pursue litigation in accordance with the FCRA to enforce my rights and seek relief and recover all monetary damages that I may be entitled to under Section 616 and Section 617 regarding your continued willful and negligent noncompliance.
Despite two written requests, the unverified items listed below still remain on my credit report in violation of Federal Law. You are required under the FCRA to have a copy of the original creditors documentation on file to verify that this information is mine and is correct. In the results of your first investigation and subsequent reinvestigation, you stated in writing that you “verified” that these items are being “reported correctly”?
Who verified these accounts?
You have NOT provided me a copy of ANY original documentation ( a consumer contract with my signature on it)  as  required under Section 609 (a)(1)(A) & Section 611 (a)(1)(A). Furthermore you have failed to provide the method of verification as required under Section 611 (a) (7).
Please be advised that under Section 611 (5) (A) of the FCRA – you are required to “…promptly DELETE all information which cannot be verified.” The law is very clear as to the Civil liability and the remedy available to me (Section 616 & 617) if you fail to comply with Federal Law. I am a litigious consumer and fully intend on pursuing litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA.

I demand the following accounts be verified or removed immediately.

Name of Account 
Account Number          
Provide Physical Verification Creditor  


Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter.


Your Name


Current Date
Your Name
City, State, Zip Code
SSN: ###-###-###
DL #: ###########
D.O.B.: ##/##/####
City, State, Zip Code


Please accept this final written OFFER OF SETTLEMENT BEFORE LITIGATION as my attempt to amicably resolve your continued violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act regarding your refusal to delete UNVERIFIED information from my consumer file. I intend to pursue litigation in accordance with the FCRA to seek relief and recover all monetary damages that I may be entitled to under Section 616 and Section 617 if the UNVERIFIED items listed below are not deleted immediately. A copy of this letter as well as copies of the three written letters sent to you previously will also become part of a formal complaint to the Federal Trade Commission and shall be used as evidence in pending litigation provided you fail to comply with this offer of settlement. Real Results

I demand the following accounts be verified or removed immediately.

Name of Account 
Account Number          
Provide Physical Verification Creditor  


Thank you for your prompt assistance in this matter.


Your Name


Let's stick it to the man!


  1. I was reading in a book I purchased that they need to be notarized.Did you have success without notarizing??

    1. Yes they need to be notarized. This is proving under penalty of perjury that you are who you say you are. They also need to be mailed certified with return receipt. This documents that you sent them, that they received them, and it starts the 30 days in which they have to comply. These letters do work, they are attorney written, and unfortunately, they were distributed without authorization. None the less, they do work.

    2. No yoi do not need them notarized. What you need to do is copy your license showing your correct address and a copy of a a bill (just the company name and your namenand address, to mail with the letters. I worked for a credit restoration company and this is what we had our clients do. It's proof that you are who youysay you are.

    3. Here is a good Credit Report Repair Plan
      ☐Lexis Nexis Opt Out
      ☐Lexis Nexis Freeze ( 888-497-0011)
      ☐Gather documents on identity theft and third-party data breaches
      ☐Get reports from each bureau
      ☐Sign up for CR monitoring service
      ☐Remove all old address
      ☐Submit request to seal records
      ☐Submit request to courts about verification
      ☐Attack PRs with erroneous or unverifiable information
      ☐Attack accounts with erroneous information
      ☐Submit goodwill letter on late payments

      I am the owner of
      We have a special program for credit repair and hard credit inquiry removal.
      It will help to boost your credit in 5-30 days.
      Here is why many people work with us
      Call in for details.

    4. I have downloaded and read FCRA section 609 (a) Here it is in its entirety:

      Information on file; sources; report recipients. Every consumer reporting agency shall, upon request,
      and subject to 610(a)(1) [§ 1681h], clearly and accurately disclose to the consumer:
      (1) All information in the consumer's file at the time of the request, except that nothing in this
      paragraph shall be construed to require a consumer reporting agency to disclose to a consumer any
      information concerning credit scores or any other risk scores or predictors relating to the consumer.

      Please show me the section or if I'm missing the wording about the CONSUMER CONTRACT being the only verifiable proof that an agency should have on file for a consumber to prove the account is his or hers. Thank you for your attention in this matter.

    5. Credit brainiac definitely works!, When I started with credit brainiac I had quite a few derogatory accounts. My credit score was low, I had a 490 fico score. Now after a few days of working with them. All three of my credit scores have received a huge increase. I can now qualify for just about anything I apply for. They work very fast and efficiently. My experience was really exactly as it was outlined by those who recommended the service to me. Make contact with them at -AT- G mail -DOT- com. 

    6. Wonderful Information, I had credit scores of 450 (Transunion) 540 (Equifax) in March. I applied for a mortgage loan in April and was not approved because of my low FICO scores. I had seen some wonderful recommendations of a good Credit Agency on the internet about HACKINVADE. So I contacted him and He help me delete eviction, negative collection items on my credit report, He increase my credit score about 820 excellent score within a few days. I was approved within a week for my mortgage loan and He also help me pay off my credit card debts within few weeks. Contact him today for a better change Email (hackinvade At Gmail Dot Com or reach is phone 256-294-4701 )

    7. Something just happened to me which I never believed was possible by anyone until now that I met a credit expert hacker Mr Nelson, who helped me get my problems off my neck. I was in the depths of despair. I applied for a mortgage loan through Navy Federal and was denied. I found the home I wanted and time is of the essence. My credit needed to be repaired urgently and soon since I found my property. I had lots of charge offs, repo, and student loans. I needed the negatives all removed. But now I am so surprised to see the good changes on my credit report. Now I can provide shelter for my family. it has really been a great support from him. Do get his help via Nelsonflemingwizcreditexpert At Gmail DoT CoM and he will definitely solve your credit problems or text him +1-503-832-8412.

  2. I appreciate finding your blog and that you shared your letters. I have been cleaning up my credit over the past year and I have been able to bring my credit up substancially; however, there are still 3 negative items and about 4-5 hard inquiries that should not be there. Last month I began sending out certified letters and I am anxious to see what happens in the next couple months. I will use the 609 letters for the last 3 negative items on my credit report. :) Thanks, again!

    1. How did the letter work for you?

  3. What you're not understanding is how the scoring system works. If you use more than 30% of your credit card limit in a month and they drop your scores, it's from a balance to limit ratio. There's nothing you can do about that. You can't dispute it, and you for sure don't want to remove a positive credit line from your credit report. These letters were written to remove negative items, and they work. What they can't do is make you understand credit utilization.

    1. I have been writing all 3 CRA's since Aug-31-17, they keep sending me letter saying "Verified" but i still do not have proof! Transunion are assholes, they went as far as telling me they will not investigate anymore accounts because it was all verified multiple times and if i wanted to dispute i would need to provide an explanation. Now reading this...the only thing i didnt do was hand write my accounts. Also im trying to dispute my inquires. I purchased the 609 loophole ebook from that brandon guy on youtube. I just sent out more letters this morning (still didnt write in blue ink, because im just now reading this at 3:48 pm) i told them they have 15 days to respond back! Is there anything else i can do? They arent sending me what i am requesting just "verified" thats it! But letter #1 (that you posted) is exactly what i sent out on today, this morning 6/28/18.

    2. So did they ever reply? What was your outcome?

    3. what was the outcome of this predicament.

    4. Here is a good Credit Report Repair Plan
      ☐Lexis Nexis Opt Out
      ☐Lexis Nexis Freeze ( 888-497-0011)
      ☐Gather documents on identity theft and third-party data breaches
      ☐Get reports from each bureau
      ☐Sign up for CR monitoring service
      ☐Remove all old address
      ☐Submit request to seal records
      ☐Submit request to courts about verification
      ☐Attack PRs with erroneous or unverifiable information
      ☐Attack accounts with erroneous information
      ☐Submit goodwill letter on late payments

      I am the owner of
      We have a special program for credit repair and hard credit inquiry removal.
      It will help to boost your credit in 5-30 days.
      Here is why many people work with us
      Call in for details.

  4. I truly appreciate this information that you posted. I have just one question so i can be sure. What does CRA mean?

  5. I just found out sorry for asking thank you.

  6. What do I enter in the Provide Physical Verification Creditor part? Please dummy this column down for me. Thanks

    1. Hi, In that column you want to write Unverified in that box as you are letting them know that the account that you are disputing is Unverified and you wont them to verified the account which they will not.

    2. @ Ollie Taylor - did you have any luck with entering "Unverified" in the "Provide Physician Verification Creditor" portion? I am in the process of completing this portion and want to ensure I do it right the first time. Thank you!

  7. Hi I would like to say to you Thank You so very much as your helping so many of us to have the big American Dreams again !
    I have a problem with all the derogatories on my all my CRA’s none list account numbers and are charged off 2 were bought by Midland . They have the balances but no Acct #
    Again thank you for all you have shared : ))

    1. If you do an annual free credit report it will be on there

    2. I have my free credit report but it doesnt show the account number

    3. I have found that going to and signing up (dont pay for it, do the free version) this is your "FICO" score...anyways they partial account numbers. Thats what i use.

  8. What do I do of there is not an account number for my account?

    1. I called and after they give me the account number I hang up. 😆

  9. Great advice on how to take advantage of "legal loophole" which is Section 609 of The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). I've also included more "credit repair letter" templates on my blog here

    1. My personal experience with the best results has been going after the collection agencies directly instead of the credit bureaus. I tried doing it directly with the credit bureaus and only had one or two things removed on each. The remaining things I contact directly the collection agencies letting them know that I knew my rights and then I wanted to see the original contract or would be pursuing towards litigation. I had seven of them all drop within one month. I'm down to three items average on each report and I'm sending out letters to those as we speak.

    2. Did you use letter #1 of the 609 template to the collection agency? This sounds like it works faster than sending to CRA.

    3. Or was a different letter used?

  10. This looks like a pretty sound approach to confronting the credit bureaus. Have you had any success with it or what was the outcome after the "Final Offer of Settlement"? If they're anything like the banks, the credit bureaus will probably just ignore all of this stuff and would even be willing to go to court since they're all in bed together and they know the judges will cover for them. I hope I'm wrong, but either way big ups for blazing the trail.

  11. I sent my first set of letters to all three CRA's Feb 21 2018. Equifax and Experian replied with a b.s. letter within 30 days but TransUnion did not. I sent my 2nd set of letters (Equifax and Experian last week) and TU today March 21 2018. What are my rights under this law when it comes to TU not replying at all? What should I do?

  12. Ok I am on my second round of letters and I had thirteen collection accounts all but 3 collections came off is there a letter I could send to Transunion and Equifax showing that experian Deleted these accounts from my Credit report

  13. Ok, I sent my first set of letters out March 25th, So far, I have received some BS letters back from Original Creditors requesting more info like, "Any supporting documentation" and "A copy of this letter"...Ignoring.

    1. Don't reply it's a collection tactic. The burden of proof is on the cb and the creditor.

    2. As bad as I want too, I'm not! Thx

  14. Since I sent the first letter, I've also been getting alot of CC apps in the mail. It seemed like some things on my report have been moved, like 1 thing is now in collections. Crazy. But my score has gone up 47 points.

  15. ok, One creditor sent me some "statements" and said that this validates the account.

    1. NO. A bill or statements do not count as verification that it is your account. They need to send you a contract with your signature. Send a second (or third if you have already done a second) and be sure to state that a bill or statement is not verification as you had previously stated in your first letter and that these accounts can only be verified with a contract...... they know this and they are trying to fool you.

  16. Google "Credit Reporting Agencies"

  17. I dont believe that these letters work due to, I cant find anywhere in the FCRA Where it says that they must provide a "Consumer Contract with your signature on it" anywhere. Contracts come in many different ways in law. But, I'm trying it anyway. lol

    1. Except if you got a letter from someone stating that you owed them money and you didn't know who they were wouldn't you want something solid stating that you actually need to pay them that money? Does a bill from some random person or company automatically mean its yours just because your name is on it? Does that not sound like its easy to scam people by just sending a bill? Wouldn't you want them to send you some kind of contract or something with solid proof that your incurred that debt? I know I would and thats why that law is there. These letters, in fact, do work. I have seem 100's-1000's of people on other forums and other places use them and get collections off their reports. You just have to know what you are doing.

    2. It's the constitution contract law. Signatures are the most powerful currency there is, because it gives contacts their power. Its the only proof there is in business

    3. Here is a good Credit Report Repair Plan
      ☐Lexis Nexis Opt Out
      ☐Lexis Nexis Freeze ( 888-497-0011)
      ☐Gather documents on identity theft and third-party data breaches
      ☐Get reports from each bureau
      ☐Sign up for CR monitoring service
      ☐Remove all old address
      ☐Submit request to seal records
      ☐Submit request to courts about verification
      ☐Attack PRs with erroneous or unverifiable information
      ☐Attack accounts with erroneous information
      ☐Submit goodwill letter on late payments

      I am the owner of
      We have a special program for credit repair and hard credit inquiry removal.
      It will help to boost your credit in 5-30 days.
      Here is why many people work with us
      Call in for details.

  18. Hey guys, was any able to find any loops holes under the canadian consumer reporting act. I'm in Ontario, and I know that the laws vary by province. If any one can help me, I'd appreciate it.

    1. Rip offas like Lexington law will try to tell you that you must disoute to the CBs then when you get no where you can demand Validation from the creditor, this is NOT verification, which would be someone looking at a screen saying yes thats what my screen says. NO this is Validation which requires proof i.e. copy of docs youve signed. THIS 609 direction is different in that the law DOES state albiet vaguely but correctly that the CBs were required to maintain records on how every reported item was VALIDATED when reported. They dont, they cant. I think youd be hard pressed to find success stories on this. Items will just show back up next month. Wuld like to hear if any judge sided with the plaintif in suing for 609 loopholes. which brings me to ask, why wouldnt I sue in Small Claims and NOT have the Fed Trade Comm do it FOR me whenever they get to it provided the desk jockey there actually doesnt think this tactic is BS.

    2. Rip offas like Lexington law will try to tell you that you must disoute to the CBs then when you get no where you can demand Validation from the creditor, this is NOT verification, which would be someone looking at a screen saying yes thats what my screen says. NO this is Validation which requires proof i.e. copy of docs youve signed. THIS 609 direction is different in that the law DOES state albiet vaguely but correctly that the CBs were required to maintain records on how every reported item was VALIDATED when reported. They dont, they cant. I think youd be hard pressed to find success stories on this. Items will just show back up next month. Wuld like to hear if any judge sided with the plaintif in suing for 609 loopholes. which brings me to ask, why wouldnt I sue in Small Claims and NOT have the Fed Trade Comm do it FOR me whenever they get to it provided the desk jockey there actually doesnt think this tactic is BS.

  19. I send the first letter on 3/21/2018 though the letters were not notarized.

    Transunion: six collections were removed including midwest, sarma, two aargon and two tam/spear. Lvnv and midland remain for second letter.

    Equifax: two collections were removed both talbott, adams, moore. Lvnv, midwest sarma and midland remain for second letter.

    Experian: three collections removed including sarma and two aargon. Lvnv, midland and midwest remain for second letter.

    I sent the second letter of rounds on 5/3/2018

    1. Hi "Unknown"

      Hi, I was wondering if you've received any responses from your second round of letter and if you were successful with them. Also, did you use the exact dispute letters posted on this site or you changed the verbiage ? Could you please post exactly what you sent? Would really appreciate to see as you were successful in removing the accounts with the first round. (without personal details on the letter)

      Also, could you please list the amount of the balance and what type of dispute it was? Also, how many points did your report go up to?

      Thank you

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hello Unknown, I hope all is going well with you. I just wanted to know if there is a particular order you send the letters in as far as the CRA's? Such as TransUnion first, then Experian and finally Equifax. Does the order matter?

    4. Here is a good Credit Report Repair Plan
      ☐Lexis Nexis Opt Out
      ☐Lexis Nexis Freeze ( 888-497-0011)
      ☐Gather documents on identity theft and third-party data breaches
      ☐Get reports from each bureau
      ☐Sign up for CR monitoring service
      ☐Remove all old address
      ☐Submit request to seal records
      ☐Submit request to courts about verification
      ☐Attack PRs with erroneous or unverifiable information
      ☐Attack accounts with erroneous information
      ☐Submit goodwill letter on late payments

      I am the owner of
      We have a special program for credit repair and hard credit inquiry removal.
      It will help to boost your credit in 5-30 days.
      Here is why many people work with us
      Call in for details.

  20. ok...What am I doing wrong?
    Any help would be great!

  21. Can this template be used for medical collections as well?

    1. Medical bill are easier then people think. I got 5 of mines removed! Use the HIPPA law on them.
      1st: Write a letter to the collection agency for them to verify your debt
      (collection agency should send you copies of your bills, signed documents etc)

      2nd: Once you get this back from them, look over everything closely. If a copy of your bills have anything dealing with medical terms, codes, brief description of your visit along with the cost beside them.....BOOM! Use the HIPPA law!!!
      I googled collection agency HIPPA violation laws, get some info together, type it up and send it to them.

      3rd: After this letter, you should get something back saying your account was sent back to its original creditor to collect the debt. Boom its removed from your credit report.
      But.....of course you still owe it of course, just removed.

      It only took me 2 letters and it was all removed. When my hospital sent me copies of everything it had everything listed: Reason for visit, what was given to me during my stay, blood work fees (reason) etc... They shared my personal medical information to strangers (HIPPA violation) look it up...

      Hope this helps!

    2. Don't forget to remove medical accounts from MIB or they might get back on your report. More info here:

  22. I had collection accounts taken off my credit report and a couple months later its back on my credit report, under another collection agency . How do you get them permanently removed?

    1. They sold it to another agency...go on youtube and watch
      "Brandon Weaver"
      all of your questions will be answered. Use what she posted up top. But its easier to dispute through the collection agencies (listed on credit report) verses credit reporting agencies (transunion, equifax, experian)<-----they are assholes! I have been fighting with them since Aug-31-17. I am working on my husbands and my credit...his score went from 408, 400, and 450 to 510, 508 and 605 Mines from 490, and low 500's to 528, 600 and mid 5's (based on CK) just watching videos, google and looking on threads. It takes alot of fucking work, time, stamps, and paper.
      Most importantly

  23. Unknown...I had the same thing happen.

  24. Ok so who do I mail these letters to? That’s what’s so confusing? Do I mail to trans union , equidax and experian or directly to the collections agency?

    1. Send them directly to each Credit Bureau.

    2. Do we send the letters to the local Credit agencies or the corporate office?

  25. Hello... For those of you that have tried this method; has this worked out for any of you?
    I am starting the process and just want to be sure I am not wasting un-necessary money by notarizing the letters and sending via certified mail. I saw other posts that stated as long as you send a copy of DL and SS# you don't have to notarize; however, I don't really like sending that info out knowing it could land in the wrong persons hands. Not that they can ruin my credit a whole lot more than it already is (lol) but still don't want to take that risk.
    Thank you in advance for your help!

  26. Would this work on a Car repo?

  27. is anyone actively following this blog? i'm working in this process with no....
    results... thanks guys jeff

    1. Stay at it Jeffrey. The process will be a success with persistence.

  28. Someone above said sending the letters to the collections agency is easier? Has anyone else gone thru the collection agencies directly?

  29. Thanks!!!
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  31. I see that you are saying send documents etc... I do not have anything(documents) to send. My debt is soooo old!! some over 10yrs old!! Is it really necessary that I do or what else can I do?

    1. It really depends what's on your credit file. Aged accounts adds strength to your file. You may only need to add trade-lines to boost your scores.

  32. I have done this with one modification, i also send a copy to the BBB and note that in the letter. they removed the accounts i questioned. going back to do this again.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. They did not work for me at all. I sent all 3 letters to Transunion, Exquifax, and Experian either they didn't respond or stated verified. I followed all steps hand written with blue ink even wrote at a slant. I also sent all mail certified. I gave up.

  35. I just moved but the address on my drivers license was still my former address. But on the 3 bureaus it’s now current . Will this cause a problem?

  36. Hey there I'm about to start this process with letter 1 going out on Monday, I have Family members that this have worked for so I'm looking forward to a great out come. Some of my account have already been Disputed so I will start with Letter 2 for them I will let you guys know the outcome. Thank you for help and advise.

  37. Hello all help is much appreciated, for my case I have 3 late payments with two different credit cards and about 13 hard inquiries how do i go about disputing these?

    1. Hello, I am CEO of a
      Late payments affect you only in a first year or two. How old are they?
      We can help you with inquiries.
      Take a look here why people come to work with us

  38. Wondering if anyone recently tried and succeeded using this method. I see some people saying it is not working for them. Please respond to me, cause I really want to know!

    1. I am CEO of a we have tried section 609 method a long time ago. It does not work. It might work on some old 3-5 year old collection accounts. Take a look here why people come to work with us

  39. Im looking to try this as well. Does this really work? I've disputed and received letters saying that each is verified under investigation and was wondering how to overcome the results of the so called validated investigation. Im ready to start sending these letters but need to know if they are really working. What all does this letter remove from your report? I need hard inquires, medical bills, and charge offs deleted from my report.

    1. I am CEO of a we have tried section 609 method a long time ago. It does not work. It might work on some old 3-5 year old collection accounts. Take a look here why people come to work with us

    2. It works. Be persistent and ignore the "automated verified account and no changes will be made to your credit file" responses. They will make changes as long as you continue disputing. It's their duty !!

  40. i need the correct addresses to send the letters to, Can anyone help me out

    1. Big 3 Credit Bureaus
      Credit Bureau Mailing Address Phone Number
      TransUnion P.O. Box 1000 Chester, PA 19022 1-800-916-8800
      Equifax P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374-0241 1-800-685-1111
      Experian P.O. Box 2104 Allen, TX 75013-0949 1-888-397-3742

  41. What should I write in the boxes where it says "provide physical verification creditor"?

  42. Hello can you still use this method if you have filed a chapter 13 bankruptcy?

    1. No, also you need to be careful if you have any accounts included in bankruptcy. I have seen BK removed and all accounts reported as negative back on the report. Not a good sight. There is a different process on removing BK

      Here is a good Credit Report Repair Plan
      ☐Lexis Nexis Opt Out
      ☐Lexis Nexis Freeze ( 888-497-0011)
      ☐Gather documents on identity theft and third-party data breaches
      ☐Get reports from each bureau
      ☐Sign up for CR monitoring service
      ☐Remove all old address
      ☐Submit request to seal records
      ☐Submit request to courts about verification
      ☐Attack PRs with erroneous or unverifiable information
      ☐Attack accounts with erroneous information
      ☐Submit goodwill letter on late payments

      I am the owner of
      We have a special program for credit repair and hard credit inquiry removal.
      It will help to boost your credit in 5-30 days.
      Here is why many people work with us
      Call in for details.

  43. Very informative and impressive post you have written, this is quite interesting and i have went through it completely, an upgraded information is shared, keep sharing such valuable information.

    Credit Repair Specialist

  44. I think everyone can benefit from this...

    Here is a good Credit Report Repair Plan
    ☐Lexis Nexis Opt Out
    ☐Lexis Nexis Freeze ( 888-497-0011)
    ☐Gather documents on identity theft and third-party data breaches
    ☐Get reports from each bureau
    ☐Sign up for CR monitoring service
    ☐Remove all old address
    ☐Submit request to seal records
    ☐Submit request to courts about verification
    ☐Attack PRs with erroneous or unverifiable information
    ☐Attack accounts with erroneous information
    ☐Submit goodwill letter on late payments

    I am the owner of
    We have a special program for credit repair and hard credit inquiry removal.
    It will help to boost your credit in 5-30 days.
    Here is why many people work with us
    Call in for details.

  45. I have ALL the letters. contact me for details. TonyComcast27 @ g m a i l . c o m

    1. I'm Interested in ALL the letters Mr. Brown. Please send the information to Thanks!

    2. I'm just coming across this post. I'm interested in all the letters as well. My email address is

  46. thanks for your post, I will try it and let you know!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. What if the debt collector is asking you for supporting documentation after you've sent the letter disputing the account. Shouldn't they be sending you information and if they can't verify they should just delete the account and not the other way around. I'm confused on what I should do. Has anyone had this problem before?

  49. Replies
    1. Should I send this letter to the creditor as well as each Credit Bureau . I have had luck disputing things online with the credit bureaus and getting things deleted but I have 4 accounts left that won't budge. Every time I dispute they come back as "verified as accurate". I'm running out of options.

  50. Try sending a letter to the creditors requesting VALIDATION of the debt, NOT verification.
    Request proof (Evidence) of the contract (Agreement) between you and them. Then, they will prob. send you some statements. Statements are not Proof (Evidence) of a contract, Let them know this and stay on point. Then let the credit bureau know that they are reporting false statements due to there is no contract (Agreement) between you and the creditor and that you have evidence of such. Hope this helps.

    1. Yep, this worked for me. Collection agency went on about their business to bother someone else. They like people who just pay without disputing. Ask for to provide a valid contract with your signature on it. They can't and will have no choice but to remove their account listing/ inquiries.

      Thanks 😎


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  57. where do you find the account number information?

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  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. This whole theory is bizarre. Section 609(a)(1)(A) mentions nothing of verifiable proof that must be provided to a consumer. It simply states (in short) that...

    (a) a consumer may request....

    (1) all information in their credit report, and

    (A) the right to block out the last 4 digits of the consumer's SSN, where the consumer must provide proof of their identity.

    There is nothing in the FCRA that requires credit bureaus to maintain or procure physical records of account information, and there is plenty of case law to support this. Below you'll find the actual verbiage from Section 609(a)(1)(A) of the FCRA that the dispute letter cites (and where I paraphrased above)...

    Every consumer reporting agency shall, upon request, and subject to section 1681h(a)(1) of this title, clearly and accurately disclose to the consumer:

    (1) All information in the consumer’s file at the time of the request, except that—

    (A) if the consumer to whom the file relates requests that the first 5 digits of the social security number (or similar identification number) of the consumer not be included in the disclosure and the consumer reporting agency has received appropriate proof of the identity of the requester, the consumer reporting agency shall so truncate such number in such disclosure; 

    Can someone explain how this translates into a credit bureaus duty to send copies of signed contracts?

    1. Correction.... subsection (A) allows the consumer to block out the first 5 digits of their SSN (not the last 4 digits). Sorry for the typo. In either case, the author of the dispute letter cites a law and makes up words to attach to that law which don't remotely resemble the actual language in the FCRA.

  62. I'm trying to figure out how this works when we did in fact sign with an E or electronic signature

    1. Because ANYONE can use an electronic signature. My 11year old can sign up for something and use/ mark the electronic signature. It's not your signature , and can therefore be fraudulent.

  63. I'm in the process of filling out the form.. but in the form, what is "Physical Verification Creditor" Is it the company you have the disputed credit with? Thanks in advance.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Hello All.... What do I do if I dont have account #'s?

    1. I also don't have account number can we leave blank??

  66. As far as I know, when trying to fix the credit, it is very easy to feel lost and get discouraged. There are actually many useful steps that you can take and some are not that hard, but will help you out tremendously. Click this link to find out how to fix credit score

  67. Hey there.... is this just for collections or also for late payments

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  69. Just wanted to say that since sending my first round of letters in, I have gotten one of my medical bills removed. Credit went up 18 points!! 😊 Thank you for your help. Oh and to anyone out there I didn't notarize anything or use certified mail. I just sent 1 letter to each CRA every 4 days. I think consistency is key. I will come back to update if anything else happens. Good luck y'all.

  70. It does work. Took me a few months as i have sent 1 every 30 days. But i saw them come off, had a foreclosure and a few bad credit cards removed. credit unions are a pain in the @ss because they really focus on reporting back. Scores went up from 670 to 743, i also paid down some credit cards, these scores are lender scores not the BS scores they sell you online.

    Keep sending the letters, also i must share a secret.

    TransUnion did not remove the foreclosure, i called on the phone and kept repeating that they have to send me PROOF per the law, and they didnt they have to remove it, i yelled at the agent, at the end i said, you leave me no choice but to go to court and hung up. i didnt think anything would happen, but the next day that account came off mysteriously.

    it did not work with the other two agencies.

  71. At SEVEN FIFTY CREDIT, our goal is to provide our customers with the best service through a simple process. Give us a call and speak directly with our credit consultants who will guide you through your credit and get you back to the credit score you deserve.
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  72. I was actually scammed 2,745usd by Lexington law while i was trying to rebuild my credit as i wanted to purchase a new home for me and my family about 2 years ago. It took me few days to find a legit credit score specialist on Google, I found this great credit expert/specialist via mail at... [ COMPUTERWORM.HACKER (at) HOTMAIL.COM ]
    Perhaps nothing reflects more negatively on your credit report than charged off accounts credit card debts, late payments, and bankruptcies and this guy fixed all these for me in just 4 business days, wiped out all negative items on my report permanently directly on all the federal credit bureaus. The best part is that I have had excellent (809) credit score for over 19 months now and still intact because I personally hired him to be my credit coach since then. I have introduced him to my family members and few friends and he has never disappointed not even for once. You can also reach to him if you want to be financially free for the rest of your life and be certain to share good reviews later on just like me.

  73. I have a friend who actually made contact with one of these debt collectors. He did admit to being the person in question, and came to an agreement to settle the debt at lower amounts. He also requested for email confirmation and paper contracts stating that these agreement amounts would result in deletion from his credit report as well. The collection agency did send the emails, but they stated that they do not send agreements by mail. This sounds really fishy. Is my friend already locked in to paint these agreement amounts? Or will this strategy work for him?

    Also, you recorded their phone call and caught the agent in somewhat of a lie. He told the agent that he had called previously and came to other settlement agreements with a different agent. To which she replied the agent no longer work for the firm. She also told my friend that there were no notes in the computer about any former agreements on settlement amounts. But when my friend notified her that he had recorded that previous phone call as well, her story changed up immediately. She suddenly found the notes in her computer after this realization. Is she in violation of his rights? Would this be a suable offense? Thank you for any insight on this situation

  74. gonna try this out....starting form letter 1...see how it goes and will let you all know my outcome.

  75. DO i send the letters to the CB or collection agency? Do i need to write the letter out in its totality or can i copy and paste and then fill in my information hand written blue ink? Just wanting the correct format so i have the highest accuracy rate. Also, can i send this same letters for medical collections also? I only have 3 I want off. 1 credit card, 1 supposed cashnet loan and one medical collection.

    1. Yes i sent them for everything. Credit score went up 38 points using these letters. I now have 2 credit cards and a finger hut account to build credit. Still disputing discrepancies though.

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  78. Do these letters work for inquiries also?

  79. What is it meant by "Provide Physical Verification creditor" in the letter???

  80. I just want to show my appreciation to COMPUTER.SURGEON (COMPUTER.SURGEON (@) OUTLOOK. COM, Tel : +1 (518) 768 4240) as promised for helping me fix my CREDIT REPORT. I had an EVICTION, JUDGEMENT and quite a number of other negative items on my report with a low 400's CREDIT SCORE. These prevented me from getting a mortgage until I sort for help here. After he finished working on my REPORT in just 7 days, my CREDIT SCORE increased to 780, all the negative items on my REPORT were deleted permanently and he added good stuffs (Mortgage tradelines, Installment tradelines, Revolving credit cards and Auto tradelines) on my report, I got the mortgage and I’m very happy. God bless him. You can contact him for a similar help because he is reliable and efficient in his job

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  82. definitely if you're getting a trusted ethical hacker to help you with hack or clone of your spouse phones or even their social media accounts, like messenger, whatsapp instagram, and mails, etc. especially for spouses in distant relationship I will recommend you to this hacker with the email address, superior.hack WITH . he has helped me on several hack jobs since my friend introduced him to me, he's been so spectacular. for obvious reasons, I would not want to go into details on how he's helped me hack my spouses social media accounts and even my friends when they gossip.
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  83. My husband and I were trying to qualify for a mortgage loan and two of the bureaus are not providing a score, I have purchased things with credit off and on for the past 5 years so I suspect that somehow they have mixed up with someone else. I keep asking myself most time, what kinds of documents license and social security card would i send to expedite this process which make me worried most time. I also though of recommending by sending it as a request for a free report before i came across creditsmartspy @ gmail dot com service through a friend i met from a Quora forum. My Credit score finally boost up to 790+ across the bureaus within 5 business days after receiving notification from the company that i have qualify for the mortgage loan and all my debt has been cleared. Guys i’m glad to review this service from creditsmartspy @ gmail dot com and anyone who need his assistance should contact him right here.

  84. Wonderful Information, I had credit scores of 450 (Transunion) 540 (Equifax) in March. I applied for a mortgage loan in April and was not approved because of my low FICO scores. I had seen some wonderful recommendations of a good Credit Agency on the internet about HACKINVADE. So I contacted him and He help me delete eviction, negative collection items on my credit report, He increase my credit score about 820 excellent score within a few days. I was approved within a week for my mortgage loan and He also help me pay off my credit card debts within few weeks. Contact him today for a better change Email (hackinvade At Gmail Dot Com or reach is phone 256-294-4701 )

  85. Wonderful Information, I had credit scores of 450 (Transunion) 540 (Equifax) in March. I applied for a mortgage loan in April and was not approved because of my low FICO scores. I had seen some wonderful recommendations of a good Credit Agency on the internet about HACKINVADE. So I contacted him and He help me delete eviction, negative collection items on my credit report, He increase my credit score about 820 excellent score within a few days. I was approved within a week for my mortgage loan and He also help me pay off my credit card debts within few weeks. Contact him today for a better change Email (hackinvade At Gmail Dot Com or reach is phone 256-294-4701 )

  86. Honestly speaking, getting a genuine hacker is very rare... but my classmates Corporation has assembled the finest hackers in London, Texas and mostly his Cambridge colleagues .They show proof of their authenticity. Contact them for any kind of hack you desire at jamiehacking99 (AT) gmail (DOT) com

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  88. I have always been wondering if a hacker could improve a bad credit score until i checked online on how to improve my credit score ,I stumbled on a lady’s comment on how capable he is in solving credit issues. I mailed the Hack Invade and he really knows his way around the credit system , I was skeptical but to my suprise he did helped me out, he his fast and contact him hackinvade |AT| gmail |DOT| com or his phone # 256-294-4701 and thank me later  

  89. My wife and I were trying to qualify for a mortgage loan and two of the bureaus are not providing a score, I have purchased things with credit off and on for the past 2 years so I suspect that somehow they have mixed up with someone else. I keep asking myself most time, what kinds of documents license and social security card would i send to expedite this process which make me worried most time. I also thought of recommending by sending it as a request for a free report before i came across Richard through a friend i met from a Guestbook forum. My Credit score finally boost up to 797 across the bureaus within 4 business days after receiving notification from the company that i have qualify for the mortgage loan and all my debt has been cleared. Guys i’m glad to review this service from RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair and anyone who need his assistance should contact him AT +1(541) 581-1469.

  90. Rod cleaned up my credit along with 2 Judgements that were removed in 45 days!! Also added Tradelines and it boosted my credit score to 760!! Got me into a house and a brand new car!! I will be sending everyone I know his way!! CREDITSMARTSPY @ GMAIL DOT COM +1(305)-912-6941

  91. About a year ago my husband and I tried to buy a house. When they ran his credit, it was nowhere close to a 610. In fact the man told us it could take us 2-5 years to get where we needed to be. I was extremely upset!! I was tired of renting. To me, I was just throwing money away instead of putting it towards something i’d own someday. One day on Facebook a friend shared a post about Credit repair I called my husband offshore immediately to tell him we have found solution to our problem! Long story short, now we own a home thanks to RichardGreenBlatt. I can’t help but express my extreme satisfaction with the way they handled fixing our credit.” prior to the work done by them, we also had difficulty in obtaining credit purchases and business credit on many occasions. …We are now able to obtain almost any personal or business credit we require. I couldn’t be more happy with our experience. It is more than worth the little money we paid!! They are truly an exception to the many people who advertise credit repair but never follow can contact him via his mail AT RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair AT GMaiL DoT CoM or Text him At +1(541) 581-1469.

  92. I was once in a bad shape when i experience low credit score of 545,I lost hope and got disappointment,then i decided to go thorough some blogs and i found more comment about this hacker HACKINVADE AT GMAIL DOT COM.i have no choice to give him a try.those i was little nervous when he told me to pay for his service.i pay him and finally got what i paid for.I never knew a post could be such helpful until my score increase to 750 plus excellent result within 24 to 48 hours.i am here to recommend him too,hackinvade AT gmail DOT com is the best and affordable.

  93. I dealt with a few companies before and was convinced that I would never get the help I actually needed. They just give you the run around. CREDITSMARTSPY@GMAIL.COM got it right the first try! I'm so excited and can't wait to join the 800 club. Lol all I wanted was be part of the 600 club and now I'm at a 765 🕺🏾

  94. I have a good friend who recently started the process of buying a house after years of living in a rented apartment. In his mind, he's done everything right -- he has a steady job that pays well, he has no debt, and he saved up 20% for a downpayment. But when he tried to get pre-approved for a mortgage, he ran into one little hiccup: He has no credit score, because he has no credit history.I came cross Raycreditrebuild on a top hacking forum. I contacted him on the mail address Raycreditrebuild AT gmail dot com where he gave me his phone number (+1 213-419-4109) and asked me to text him for further discussion on the credit service. We had a discussion and he assured me that my credit can be properly fixed. He told me the process involved and I made an upfront payment to start the project. Days later, I saw tremendous improvement on my credit. His service is highly recommended!

  95. Grades changing is important if you can reach out to RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair AT GMaiL DoT CoM or Text him At +1(541) 581-1469.
Our Services are
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These will be done swiftly without trace of any kind.

  96. I never believe credit score can be increased nor debts on credit cards can be cleared without traces. I met this so call great man on a credit repair forum called trulia and i was wondering if he was legit when i saw almost everyone publicizing his good work. I contact him with faith and followed his instructions, after funding exploits and he told me everything would be completed in 4 days . He help me increase my credit score to 795 and also clearing of my credit card debts including my student loan . I'm glad he did came through and he's the best. Contact via his mail AT RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair AT GMaiL DoT CoM or call him on his cell +1(541) 581-1469.

  97. I saw positive posting about a very good fixerer, I can assure you that Hack invade is the best and really good in boosting credit score and increasing credit card limit. He help me increase my credit score to 803. He also helped me erase all negative items on my credit report, He works fast and keeps to his word. Contact him today for a better change Email (hackinvade At Gmail Dot Com  or reach is phone 256-294-4701  )  

  98. My name is mario been trying to fix my credit profile month ago few days ago i got Richard contact online i texted him on his cell +1(541) 581-1469. immediately he replied and i told him my problem he got some downpayment and my details today my credit score is 801 he also cleared my chase credit card debt he is 100 percent legit and fast you can also contact him via his mail RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair AT GMaiL DoT CoM

  99. Honestly, I do not care for Lexington Law. I had them help me several years ago and all 3 credit bureaus rejected their letters. I got copies of the letters and it looked like a 8th grader wrote the letters and they forged my signature, which raised a Red Flag with the bureaus. I wrote letters on the professional level than Lexington Law and had those items in question removed or updated. If by chance you use them, ask them to send you the letters before they send them to the bureaus and if they sign your name on those letters, that may cause a problem of fraud unless they get a POA. This Is just my opinion and my experience with this organization not until I met Richardgreenblatt that help me solve all my credit issues. However, if your in U.K, US or Australia, I know a really good credit specialist that will fix your credit to get you approved for a home loan, mortgage loan, medicals and many more...He has connections at all 3 credit bureaus......Contact him: RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair AT GMaiL DoT CoM or Text him At +1(541) 581-1469.

  100. My credit score was horrible, I had so many collection accounts and would not approve for anything. I had rental debt,charge offs and more. I was then introduced to HACKINVADE AT gmail DOT com and my credit score went from 529 to 720 within few days and I was able to get a home loan and eligible for several credit cards. You can also reach to them at HACKINVADE AT gmail DOT com or 256-294-4701 for help with removing bankruptcy from your credit report.

  101. I contacted RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair AT GMaiL DoT CoM. They took care of my credit quick and kept me up to date with everything that was going on along the way. They coached me on the do’s and don’ts during the credit repair process and I followed. It felt great to start over to work on building a strong credit record. I had a great experience and learned a great deal with Richard and honestly wish I had gone through with the services sooner than I did. I strongly recommend Richard to anyone out there that may be considering them. You won’t be disappointed and you’ll thank yourself later

  102. Are you having credit issues?? I will advise you all to get to HACKINVADE AT gmail DOT com or (256) 294-4701. He's an expert in increasing and repairing of credit scores and negative collections. He helped me increase my credit score from 645 to 815 and i am so grateful to him because I've been scammed twice before getting to know him and i can prove to you that he's a legit good hacker because he did came through and he helped me with the little i have. He's services is affordable, fast and reliable. contact him at HACKINVADE AT gmail DOT com or (256) 294-4701  . Don't get ripped anymore by the fake hackers. Get to him so you can get your problems solved.  

  103. My name is Kenny, I was stationed in WA and I was in the process of looking into renting a property and eventually buy my own, but my credit was low. I had a couple of credit cards and one of those was maxed out. I was having issues finding a property even for rent because they all required to have a excellent credit score therefore I needed a credit repair help and I decided to surf the internet. I ran into a credit expert who changed everything for me. He deleted all the negative items preventing me from qualifying for the home. He also raised my score to 790. I bought a new car and started a business. You can contact him if you need a credit help RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair at Gmail Dot Com or Text him At +1(541) 581-1469.

  104. I have been sick of cancer for a while now and needed a high medical attention that require a lot of money. I am an aging man living alone with no one to help me. I needed to fix my credit so I could get a loan to treat my ill health. He helped me fix up my report efficiently and at less cost after I told him my condition and how I have been scammed severally by online scammers. He removed the negatives on my report and increased my score to a high 799 excellent. I'm now a healthy Man who live strong even though the age still tells on me. I can only be ever grateful to Him for my health and present living status that's why from the depth my heart, I highly recommend RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair AT Gmail DoT CoM services for anyone with credit issues. You could mail him with the above email address, I believe he would be grateful to deliver you.

  105. I used to have a low score of 419 and about negatives items including an eviction on my report. I knew I couldn't quality for anything and thought my report would never get in shape. But life as a game of number, proved to me that there could be light at the end of the tunnel. Yes there was really light. After being ripped off by online imposters many times, I finally met RichardGreenBlatt services. At first, I felt reluctant to give him a try. But when I finally did, I became ever thankful. My score was increased to a high 799 with all the negatives removed including the eviction in just 4days. I didn't care about the cost because I had the best experience with GreenBlatt. I'm currently living in the comfort of a new big home and a new car. I just decided to share my experience as I know that a lotta people have been scammed a lotta times. Mail Him through RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM or Text him At +1(541) 581-1469

  106. Contact AaronSwartzCyberServices AT gmail DOT com for quick repair of your credit score and many more. He is best and always ready to help people get out of bad credit issue, He help me delete hard inquiries and negative collections items on my credit report. He also help me raise my credit score to 845 excellent standard within 72 hours, Get in touch with him and get your credit report fixed.

  107. I recently applied for an apartment and I was denied because there was an eviction on my credit report. The eviction is falsely placed on my record. About two years ago my previous landlord tried to evict me from the apartment and had court eviction because I had not paid my rent. However, I had paid my rent and was able to prove it to my landlord and luckily for me to came across DARK WEB and he dismiss the eviction after increasing my current credit score smoothly. Now i have finally got my personal home for myself and family. Guys i will advice you all to contact him just like i did too. DARKWEBCYBERSERVICE@GMAIL.COM OR +1 702 907 1140.

  108. I realized my report isn't in a good shape. I had some negative items preventing me from getting the loan I seek. I looked for means to clean up this mess so I could possibly get the house I required. I got a recommendation on RichardGreenblatt from a friend after a wasteful search for about 2 WEEKS. I decided to give him a try after all. Surprisingly, within 3days, my report is in a good shape with all the negative items erased and my score increased to 791. I am gradually buying accessories for my new home and my kids are so happy. All thanks to RichardGreenBlattcreditrepair for coming true. I know most of you here might require such service, so I think it will be helpful if I dropped his contact here for you all. Email him now on RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM may God bless him.

  109. Aaron Swartz is an expert in repairing credit report! My credit score was 616 and with a lot debts on my credit report, He help me increase my FICO score to 810 excellent plus and He help me delete the negative items on my credit report within 72 hours. He also help me pay off my debts within the few weeks and I finally got approved for a mortgage loan of $250,000 with the less interest rate. Contact AaronSwartzCyberServices AT gmail DOT com

  110. I lost my home due to a large amount debt I couldn’t pay . I am currently staying with some family friends in West Virginia which i am not really comfortable with because I love privacy in a large space. I tried applying for a loan last month so I could get a bigger apartment for myself. All along, I thought I had a clean record only to find out that I had an initial eviction and some other negatives with a very low score of 475 which prevented me from getting the loan I seek. I found RichardGreenBlatt services online. I really appreciate meeting him. He helped me increase my score to a high 789 and all the negative items on my report were removed. I got everything I required and even more. As i speak, I now qualify for almost anything. I'm now at the brim of getting a very big home. I want to fulfill my promise to him for such a discreet delivery in a relatively short time and at an affordable price. So here I am recommending RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM or Text him At +1(541) 581-1469 For a similar result on your credit, I think its best you mail the team and be ever grateful you did

  111. The last two of my derogatory accounts have been removed from all 3 credit reports, loans and maxed out credit cards paid off thanks to CREDITSMARTSPY @ GMAIL DOT COM. The methods and almost daily coaching work! Now I will be moving forward with obtaining business credit to get started with real estate investing. Thanks again for your help CREDITSMARTSPY +1(305)-912-6941

  112. Hello everyone, i wish i could express myself completely, i was so worried about getting a place to rent in Orlando Fl, my credit score was as poor as 456, i had few inquiries and student loan, earlier this year i was going through a credit repair website where i came across good and impressive recommendations about Daniel as a very fast and trustworthy credit repair agent, so i got in touch with him through his email DANIELKENCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM, i worked with him and sincerely he delivered wonderfully, my credit score was raised to a 794, all my inquiries deleted, no more negative items on my credit report, this means a lot to me, I implore you guys to work with him and stop getting bothered about repairing your credit. Thank you so much Daniel.

  113. I contacted trusted hacker called Aaron Swartz about my credit card debts with Amex credit card, low credit score. He said he will get everything fixed within 72 hours without traces, I mail him. He helped me hack into my credit report and He help me clear off my credit card debts within 72 hours. He also help me increase my credit score to 790 excellent standard. Contact AaronSwartzCyberServices AT gmail DOT com

  114. I have taken my time to read several reviews and decided to do some investigation about some of them; I can strongly say that DANIELKENCYBERSERVICES@GMAIL.COM is the right person to work with. Daniel is the best and really good in boosting credit score and increasing credit card limit. He helped me increase my credit score to 800 (excellent) and increased my two credit card limit to $18,500 in less than 17 days. He also helped erase all negative items on my credit report within few days, His work are fast and affordable compare to others. Write him with the above email if you desire an excellent credit score in this promising year. Patricia!

  115. He proved to my wife and i that He is really a savior. We explained to him about the negative items on our report, and we were asked to wait for 5 to 7days after He took some personal info from us and finally we got an excellent result. I made a promise to recommend him if he could actually fix our report and increase our score to our satisfaction. Therefore, I completely recommend RichardGreenBlatt to you. When it comes to fixing credit and cleaning a DUI report.RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM email him for similar result now and be happy.

  116. i was lost with no hope for my wife was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on her. with the help a friend IN PERSON OFJOHN who recommended me to who help hack her phone, email, chat, sms and expose her for a cheater she is. I just want to say a big thank you to HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM . am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, you can also contact him for all sorts of hacking job..he is fast and reliable. you could also text +1 669 225 2253

  117. I never believed this could be possibly done but he proved me wrong by providing a good result which made me and my family happy….We are forever grateful to him for the excellent job you and your team pulled out because we suffered a lot due to this low credit score, but now we can get everything we want (Loans, Credit card, getting approved for higher limit, mortgage others). Reach out to him on the mail above to get your credit fixed right now to avoid been scammed by all the fake credit repair agencies again. Feel free to thank me later! Contact info RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM or Call him At +1(541) 581-1469.

  118. I am Navy Veteran with multiple credit card debts and low credit score of 587, negative collections items on my credit report. I was introduced to Aaron Swartz by a colleague who currently had his credit profile fixed by him. He was able to raise my credit score to high 820 and clear off my credit card debts also added some tradelines. He also swipe off negative items on my credit report and I was able to secured a credit card within the short period of time. Contact AaronSwartzCyberServices |AT| gmail |DOT| com

  119. My score is currently at 750 all thanks to this pro Russian hacker Arthur Vitali. Just a month back my credit score was as bad as 420. If you need help with your credit or any hacking job, contact him on WhatsApp +79067047837 EMAIL- Vladtech83 AT gmail DOT com He recently helped a friend of mine hack an entire cellphone.

  120. My name is Danny from Canada and I must convey my appreciation for your generosity supporting men and women that absolutely need solution to their low Credit Score and poor Credit Profile. Your special commitment, experience and expertise to increasing a low Credit Score and cleaning up bad or negative items, appears to be amazingly productive and has in every case encouraged professionals like me to realize their goals. You brought my Credit Profile up to speed, increased my Credit Score from a low 465 to a high 774 and as a result, I am qualified for everything. Thanks a ton; from every member of my family. Deep down in my heart I highly recommend (RichardGreenBlatt) RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM, he can fix any Credit Score related problem. May God bless him! Contact him through the email above.

  121. Contact AaronSwartzCyberServices |at| gmail |dot| Com for any kind of hack such as; Increase Credit Score *Credit Repair Services *Cheating Husband/Wife *Student loan *Increase School Grade *School database to clear *Retrieval of lost documents *Clearing of Criminal Records. His service are fast and swift. He will surely help.

  122. Hello Everyone, do you want to fix your credit? do you intend to perform a total repair of your credit report? I know a credit repair organization that can handle it perfectly without issues, and that is SKY CREDIT SOLUTION, there job is fast and 100% legit. the Judgement, eviction, and bankruptcy on my credit report was removed, they even cleared my credit card debts within 6 days, they really helped me and I owe them gratitude and a very good review. I give them a 5star rating for their services. (SKYCREDITSOLUTION247@GMAIL.COM or Text (620) 399 6316) that’s how to reach them. I insist you go for the best

  123. You guys have surpassed my expectations! James is seriously amazing and is doing everything to help my Fiancé and me, in1weeks my credit score went up 700 points and I can only imagine what is to come. Thank you for the excellent customer service and doing exactly what you all have set out to do! NO GIMMICKS OR BS with you guys. You can reachout to them via

  124. Truly Genius Hackers exist, I was introduced Aaron Swartz to everyone out there for you to get your credit report fixed. He`s very kind, He helped me raise my FICO score back to normal and let me have hope in life once again. He also helped me remove all the negative items collections with the late payments as well. He`s the reliable I`ve ever worked with. Contact Hacker AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES at GMAIL dot COM

  125. Having better credit means more options and, when it comes to making big purchases in life, options are what you want. He fixed my credit and increased my score to 775 in as little as 3 days, making his credit repair service the fastest way to rebuild your credit score and help you get back on track with your finances. Credit Repair “Man” also provide a free consultation to review your options and explain how credit repair works. Contact him today AT RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM or Call him At +1(541) 581-1469 and he will put a smile on your face as he did mine, good luck.

  126. Get your FICO score raised with the help of Aaron Swartz, I can tell you he’s the best I will refer to you. I desired to get in touch with him, I provided my info to him and he started working on my credit report. He help me wipe the debts on my 5 credit cards and He also proceed to help me raise my FICO score to 845 excellent standard within 72 hours. He can handle any kind of hacking issues. Contact Hacker AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES at GMAIL dot COM

  127. I implore you to give it a try with the best ever credit repairer name Robert Morris. You will get your credit score been boosted over 200 points across your credit bureaus report within short time and the best chance of getting any kind of loan been approved. I was down for years without no credit cards and any mortgage been approved in my name until I met this hacker who did a tremendous job on my credit report by removing all the negative items, bad collection, hard inquiries and Debt settlement off my credit report and increased my credit score above 820 excellent plus rating across the three credit bureaus report namely Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Now i'm living my life in peace without any outstanding debts. Email him on ROBERTMORRISCYBERSERVICE@GMAIL.COM or Text via 657 222 3404.


  128. I'm here to testify about Mr John Blank ATM Cards which can withdraw money from any ATM machines around the world.. firstly I thought it was scam until I saw so many testimony about how Mr John sent them the ATM blank card and how it was used to withdraw money in any ATM machine and become rich so I decided to risk the opportunity I contacted him also and I applied for the Blank Card to my greatest surprise I have used it to get 10,000 dollars. maximum withdrawal daily $1,000, Mr John is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault,If your interested kindly contact him directly on his email (

  129. i decided to go through peoples comment.To be sincere with you,i saw alot of comments but a particular one grabbed my audience and its about a lady who recommended RichardGreenBlattCreditRepair At Gmail Dot CoM for fixing her credit from 512 to 798 just like that. i was shocked and surprised at the same time As i never knew credit score can be fixed and i have been going through hell because i have a poor score and its hindering me of so many benefits i deserve and i cant think on what to do with it.i Thank God for directing me to Facebook that fateful day, i took no time as i mailed him and i followed his instructions.Now i have an excellent score and i just got a mortgage loan as well.

  130. I was once in a bad shape when i experience low credit score of 545,I lost hope and got disappointment,then i decided to go thorough some blogs and i found more comment about this hacker HACKINVADE AT GMAIL DOT COM.i have no choice to give him a try.those i was little nervous when he told me to pay for his service.i pay him and finally got what i paid for.I never knew a post could be such helpful until my score increase to 750 plus excellent result within 24 to 48 hours.i am here to recommend him too,hackinvade AT gmail DOT com is the best and affordable.

  131. I came across a good review about Aaron Swartz on Google forum and I shared my problems with him. The hacker cleared the hard inquiries on my credit report and boost my credit score to 790 from 550. He's reliable, efficient and trust-worthy. Contact Hacker AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES at GMAIL dot COM or Hit him up (614) 344-8376

  132. From what I can see about Robert Morris credit service, I think I can let you work with him because he will surely get things done for you within short period without any delay. He increased my FICO score back to 820’s across my credit bureaus report and deleted all the hard inquiry on my credit report too. He really get me out of been bankrupt early this year after paying off all the outstanding debt and loan without requesting so much from me. You may wish to reach him some maybe you can get in touch with him through  ROBERTMORRISCYBERSERVICE@GMAIL.COM or His cell number: 657 222 3404.

  133. Thank you so much Aaron Swartz for helping me to clear all my debts easily without no traces and Also purchase a new house for my family. He pulled my score to 830, deleted the eviction and every other negative collection items on my credit report within 72 hours. Contact Hacker AARONSWARTZCYBERSERVICES at GMAIL dot COM


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